29th September Head Teacher Award

The award this week goes to Sophie M. She is only a Year 1 child, but she is trying so hard with all of her work. Here is a piece of R.E. which she did this week. She had to write about a special celebration in her life and she wrote a whole page of beautiful writing about her birthday. Well done, Sophie.


Head Teacher Awards 22nd September

The children have been super this week in their learning. Here are the head teacher awards for this week. The first goes to Joseph. Joseph has really impressed me with his maths this week.He understood the number patterns and went on to extra number patterns once he had finished. He was a super worker. Here is his work:



The second award goes to Sophie H and Sara. These two girls showed fantastic cooperation in their P.E. dance lesson. They worked really effectively as a team and the dance they produced was both thoughtful and beautiful.  Well done girls! Here are some pictures of their amazing dance: leaf-dance-2016

Head Teacher Awards 16th September

Another super week from Nightingale Class. Keep up the good work team!


Head teacher awards go to Logan and Sohan. Logan has been such a diligent worker this week. He has really knuckled down and applied himself to all he has done. What a great attitude to learning he has shown! Sohan has only been back this week and he has settled in really well. He has got on with his work and has fit into the new class routines well. Super effort boys. Well done!

Head Teacher Awards 8th September

What a fantastic start to the year for Nightingale Class. All the children have worked really hard. Well done.  Head Teacher awards this week go to Ryan F. He has really impressed me this week with his great writing. He has come into Year 1 ready to show me how well he can write. Keep it up Ryan! Here is his first piece of writing:


The second Head Teacher Award goes to Bethan M. Bethan has been such a help to me this week. She has been in my class for two years and so she has been excellent in helping her new peers settle into Nightingale Class routines. She is a fantastic role model for the other children. Thanks of all of the help Bethan!


Welcome to Nightingale Class Blog

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Welcome parents, carers, family and children to Nightingale Class Blog. This blog will be a place where we can showcase some of the lovely work that Nightingale Class will be doing over the year. The children will have their own work posted up on the blog. I will also post Head Teacher awards here too. Please feel free to comment on any of the posts on our blog.


Just to let you know, these are the three rules of internet safety. The children will be learning this very soon.

  1. Do not share any of your personal information on the internet.
  2. Be kind and respectful when writing on the internet and blog.
  3. If you see anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, tell a trusted adult.


Please follow me on Twitter @mrmunro_teacher and any new blog posts will ping up.


We are going to have a wonderful year!


Kind regards


Mr Munro.