Warhol self-portraits


Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to unveil the brand new exhibition of Nightingale Class ‘in the style of’ Andy Warhol. The children had a digital photo of themselves and then through an iPad app, they were able to make their own self-portraits. As you can see, the results are rather striking. Well done budding Nightingale artists!




Head Teacher Awards 27th September

We have been budding digital artists in our class. Amelia and Josh have been trying to create works of art in the style of Andy Warhol. They took digital images of themselves and painted them using an iPad app. The result is some fantastic Pop Art.

Amelie is a really expressive dancer. She produced a fantastic dance in our PE lesson this week. She moved with grace and was thoughtful with her creative movements.




Head Teacher Awards 13th September.

We have had a great week of learning. The children have settled in really well and I am so proud of all of them. The Head Teacher Awards this week go to Judah. He has been such a helpful boy this week. He sits ready to learn, he answers questions thoughtfully on the carpet and he offers to help where he can. He is a fantastic member of our class.

Tia and Finley also get an award this week. These two are fantastic mathematicians. Both offer great answers in our carpet discussions, but they are also mastering the art of setting their work out neatly as you can see below. Well done you two.